Student Evaluation Form

"*" indicates required fields

Step 1 of 2

Student Name*
Teacher Name*
Does your school policy prevent you from completing this form?*
*If yes, please click the NEXT button and then the SUBMIT button. Thank you!

Course Levels for Incoming Freshmen:

Overall, what level do you recommend for this student?
Is this student receiving any special academic services?


Study Habits
Parental Support
Maturity Level
Critical Thinking Skills
Organizational Skills
Critical Thinking Skills – Discussion


Quality of Written Work
Higher Level Reading Skills
Reading Comprehension
Overall, what level do you recommend for this student?


General Language Ability
What level of Foreign Language do you recommend for this student?
Please indicate which language course you recommend:
*Proficiency test required


Computation Skills
Problem Solving Skills
Critical Thinking Skills
Which math course do you recommend for this student as a high school freshman?
**All students in Algebra 1 during the 8th grade are required to take the KCHS Algebra proficiency test in the spring before placement will be made.**


General Science Ability
Which level of Biology do you recommend for this student?
*Honors level is for the superior science student who can think critically and make connections between concepts.