The faculty and administration of Knoxville Catholic High School have announced the selection of seniors James Long and Gracie Guess as the honorees of the Class of 2024’s Sedes Sapientiae award.
The Sedes Sapientiae Award is the highest honor that Knoxville Catholic High School confers on its graduating seniors. This award, voted on by the faculty and the administration, is presented to two seniors who best epitomize loyalty, service, scholarship, and authentic Christian leadership.
Jesus Christ is the Wisdom of God the Father. He took flesh in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary and, seated upon her knee, He grew in wisdom, age, and grace. Mary made a fitting throne for the LORD, and thus she is the Sedes Sapientiae, the Seat of Wisdom.
In naming our highest award for Mary, Seat of Wisdom, Knoxville Catholic seeks both to honor the Mother of God and to encourage our students to take her as a model of Christian life. The recipients of this award are students who, in the eyes of the faculty, best demonstrate the supernatural faith, hope, and charity that marked Our Lady’s life on Earth and that denote true wisdom.

James Long is a National Merit Commended Scholar, AP Scholar with Distinction, member of the National Honor Society, French National Honor Society and Mu Alpha Theta. He is president of the KCHS Mock Trial Team where he was Best Prosecuting Attorney in competition. He was a delegate to Tenessee American Legion Boys State, Governor’s School for International Studies, and participated in Youth Leadership Knoxville. Outside of academics, James is on the golf team, plays saxophone in concert band, fishing club and Mathletes.

Gracie Guess is one of the hardest working students at Knox Catholic, and is a leader amongst her peers. She is the first ever President of the KCHS Student Council, Actor, Lighting Designer and Technical Director in the Irish Arts Theatre Company, vocalist with the KCHS Singers, and member of the Chick-Fil-A Leadership Academy. She’s been an Extraordinary Minister since her sophomore years, regularly serving at All School Mass. She has been a delegate to the American Legion Auxiliary Volunteer Girls’ State, a co-captain of the Lady Irish Softball team, and a producer/director in the Irish Media Network.
Plaques and scholarship money for the prestigious honor will be awarded at Graduation in May, and the Sedes Sapientiae recipients will be the honored speakers at graduation on Friday, May 17 at 8 p.m. at Blaine Stadium on the campus of Knoxville Catholic High School.